01 March 2008

Post 96

Oh ouch. Ouch, I say. "A hit, a very palpable hit."

So, today I thought I'd take another stab at playing the system, but the system bucked me--and it didn't feel good!

There was a movie I wanted to buy, so I stopped by DI to see whether they had any newish movies that were still in the original packaging that I could use. I found Starsky and Hutch for four dollars, so I bought it and headed to FYE.

Problems began immediately. First, FYE workers informed me that they no longer accept returns unless I had a receipt or some other proof that I bought it from them (stickers on the packaging etc). So, I decided I'd just sell it to them, hoping I could at least break even. But I next learned that they are a bit overstocked with that particular movie, and wouldn't take it off my hands--even for free.

Four dollars wasted.

But I still wanted to get what I came for, so I found it and headed to the checkout counter. On the way, a sales rep informed me that all new DVDs were on a buy-one-get-one-of-equal-or-lesser-value-for-half-off deal. Normally I ignore such offers, but I figured that, if I could get an eight-dollar DVD for half off, I still might be able to arguably break even. So, I looked around a bit and found a movie that I wanted that was $9.99 and called it good.

So, I was feeling--less than wise, but I thought that I had done my best to defend myself against this most unexpected turn.

Next on my to-do list was to look into buying a new suit. Because I live in a city that cheap suits are in particularly high demand, I figured I ought to be able to find a good deal some place. I went to the mall and stopped in at Mr. Mac. I told them what I was looking for and they sized me up and had me try on a suit. It was a nice suit, and I really liked it a lot, but suddenly the attendant started chalking the pants and jacket for tailoring, and I realized that he had no idea that I only intended to window shop.

"How much does this suit cost?" I asked, trying my best to sound no more than mildly curious.

"It's normally $399," he said, "but it's on a really good sale right now and will only cost you $299--and the tailoring's free."

Oh good! Just three hundred bucks! Mind if I run home and pilfer my couch cushions for change before you do any more chalking?

I assume that the chalk marks are easily enough removed, but I bought the suit anyway because--well--just because.

Okay, Mr. System, you win this one, but I'll be coming back for you!

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