10 March 2008

Post 99

I've got it!

I don't like bumper stickers. I think they're kinda dumb. I mean, even when I see one that I like a lot, I could never imagine myself putting it on my car because, I mean, it's bound to get old eventually.

But today I came up with a great bumper sticker idea--not one I want for myself, but one that I think I could market. It'll be ever so slightly, even imperceptibly larger than your normal bumper sticker, and it'll say on it, "I used to like this bumper sticker." The idea is that, when you have a bumper sticker on your car that you're tired of looking at, you just cover it up with this new one.

Think of the market for this:

So, your elementary school honor roll student is halfway through high school? Buy my bumper sticker!

Your presidential candidate lost the primary? Buy my bumper sticker!

You're tired of stupid people asking you what "eschew obfuscation" means? Buy my bumper sticker!

Your DARE graduate just got busted for pot? Buy my bumper sticker!

Buy my bumper sticker!


  1. Lol! Yeah... I've always wondered about what people do when they have a "I have an honor student" bumper sticker.
    I like your idea! ^.^ Very origional, very artistic.

  2. .

    Hey? What happened to my comment?
