31 July 2008

Post 148

One year ago today, I started this blog.

I wish I had something to say on such an occasion, but I don't, so forget it.


  1. Insert throat clearing here

    On this momentous occasion, I'd like to declare I'm glad you joined the blogging world and that Th. directed me here many moons ago.

    Too many people were agreeing with what I said prior to your visitations. You fixed that. (If we can call it fixing . . .)

  2. Aww, thanks confuzzled! That really means a lot to me! Contrariness is SO underappreciated these days.

  3. Happy Anniversary! This is a momentous occasion for WiseYetHarmless Inc., for were it not for the birth of The Eccentric Sage the former would have never come into existence. Two days ago is my official digital heritage day. That means fireworks!

  4. Oh, did I also forget to mention you usually have some pretty quality stuff to say?

    (And just remember: opposition in all things is a gospel principle . . .) ;)

  5. Hip hip, haza!
    Hip hip, haza!
    Haza for Schmetter! *throws confetti*

    Yeah, I'm glad too. I mean if it weren't for you I would never have started blogging. And I agree with Confuzzled, you've had a few good thoughts... here and there. ;P
