04 August 2007

Post 5

My posts have numbers instead of names. This is mostly because I don't really feel like trying to give a name to whatever random thoughts I feel like expressing. I don't much like titles. I realized this recently because I want to submit an untitled short story I've written to a scholarship writing competition, but it is required to have a name. I like the story a lot, but I feel bad labeling it. I had enough trouble just coming up with a chintzy filename so I could save it on my computer. But, alas, I suppose I'll have to come up with a name.

[Slight change in subject:]
Perhaps you have heard of Helium. I had not until an ad popped up in my gmail account--one of the few ads I've ever followed. What I saw intrigued me enough to join, and I submitted an essay to them recently. This essay had a name: "Boys Should Be Boys." Ironically, things published on Helium don't really have titles; works are published in categories. When submitting my essay, I had to indicate what category I wanted it under; not seeing what I liked, I employed their option to suggest a new category and called it "Boys Should Be Boys: Gender Roles in the 21st Century."

That was about a week ago. My understanding is that things are usually published immediately on Helium (kinda like a blog), but, when you suggest a new category, the new category has to be considered by the powers that be. I finally heard back today that they did publish my essay, but they rejected my category in favor of the already established "Roles and the battle of the sexes - Relationships & Family (other)" category. I must admit, I could have hoped for better, but I suppose I can't always get what I want.

[Back to the original topic:]
So, why--why must I come up with a title for my short story? Why not just call it "Kyle Jepson's Submission" or "Applicant No. 473's Composition"?


Oh what a world! Oh what a world!

1 comment:

  1. .


    I'm going to check it out.

    But not now:

    I'm going to the bathroom.

    Then school.
