18 May 2009

Post 201

Okay, here's a fun game: I'll give you a picture; you come up with a caption. I just happen to have the best picture in the whole wide world; let's see how well you can caption it. Ready? Go ahead and scroll down a bit.


  1. .

    No caption yet, but it made me laugh.

  2. LOL!

    Cow: "Uh... what the crap is a dolphin doing here?!"

  3. Mom? Like--my mom? Really?

    Huh. Well. Welcome to my blog!

  4. "So long, so long, so long... and thanks for the oats!"

    Kinda doesn't make sence unless you've seen "Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy"... But as I doubt you'll look back to even see this, there it be! Mwahahahaaa!

  5. Ha! I totally caught you, F-C. Take that!

  6. "An example of Photoshop at its most nefarious. Someone clearly took another picture of a dolphin and stuck it next to the cow. Everyone knows dolphins can't jump that high."

  7. GACK! I've been caught!!

    I DIDN'T DO IT COPPER!! It was the duck! I swear!
