17 October 2008

Post 158

[Disclaimer: If you just stumbled onto this blog, please don't judge me based on this or the past three postings because I'm trying--by request--to say something disagreeable.]

Euthanize the elderly, enslave racial minorities, subjugate women, burn the Constitution, guillotine the politicians, and eat all the babies!!!!!!


  1. Thank you for all of that. Including the other Poats to help the first Poat not be so lonely.

    As far as what you were saying to be disagreeable:

    1. You should probably give the elderly a choice about whether or not they die. Your euthanasia may not be as wanted as you think . . .

    2. If you enslaved racial minorities, that would actually make this presidential election easier. (Kidding! Totally kidding!)

    3. Ha! I'd love to see you try to subjugate me.

    4. Um, doesn't the Constitution sort of allow for us to burn it? Freedom of expression and all that?

    5. As for guillotining the politicians . . . again, it would make this presidential election much easier.

    6. That whole eating all the babies idea . . . Jonathan Swift already beat you to that punch.

    P.S. Thank you for just making my day.

  2. Actually (though I wasn't thinking this at the time), 1 and 2 knock off both major parties' candidates!

    3--what an odd thing to say! Would you really love that? That's really--rather sick, actually....

    As regards 4: Yes, so let's!

    You said enacting 5 would make the election easier, but it sure didn't go very well for the French.

    As for 6--yeah, but he was only joking.

    PS: 'swhat I'm here for--well, inasmuch as you are one of my more faithful readers.

  3. You're completely right! 1 and 2 would eliminate both presidential candidates. I didn't realizes. As for 3, you knew the intent (i.e. I was saying I don't think you could manage to subjugate at least one woman you know). But because you're you, you misinterpreted.

    I don't think we could easily burn an original copy of the Constitution. Unless, you know, we had Nicolas Cage go steal it for us . ..

    I said it would make the election easier. The French didn't guillotine the politicians, the politicians guillotined the royalty. So if we guillotined the politicians, wouldn't that be sort of karmic justice?

    As for the babies, I doubt they'd taste good anyway. Far too much fat in 'em.

    P.S. So where, when it comes to my requesting things, would you draw the line exactly? What wouldn't you do if I asked?
